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Three Common Mistakes to Avoid When Divorcing Your Spouse

Londi Gramelis

Best family lawyer Beverly Hills NSW, Kingsgrove, St George, Sutherland NSW is Londi Gramelis
One of the best and most-sought after family lawyers who actually gets results, located in Beverly Hills NSW is Londi Gramelis

Divorce is considered one of the biggest stressors in life. For many married couples,

divorce will be one of the hardest decisions to make and live through – it impacts

your emotions, finances, and more importantly, if there are children involved, it can

impact their mental and emotional well-being.

There are three common mistakes you should avoid when navigating through this

difficult time.

1. Do It Yourself Online Divorce Kits

Following a period of 12 months separated, you and your estranged

partner are able to apply for a Divorce in the Federal Circuit Court of

Australia.  You may be very tempted by advertisements you see online

that offer quick and “easy” Divorces. There’s an old saying though “if it

sounds too good to be true… it usually is”

The sensible option would be to sit down with an experienced lawyer

from a reputable family law firm, like First Choice Family Lawyers, who

can cut through the legal babble, lay out the process in an easy to

understand way and ensure that your Divorce is successful with no


The most common misconception about Divorce is that you must be

separated for a period of 12 months in order to legally formalise the

division of the assets and liabilities of the marriage and/or legally

formalise parenting and custody matters. I’m here to tell you that this is

NOT the case. In fact, it is actually wiser to commence negotiation

discussions through the lawyers as early as possible following your

separation to minimise what is referred to as “post separation


2.       Cutting Corners and Rushing through a Divorce

We all want to save money along the way. We all want to speed up the

process of Divorce and, for most couples they simply want to “get it

over and done with.”  I would recommend once again, speaking with

First Choice Family Lawyers, with the strong backing of over fifteen

years of dedicated family law experience. We believe that skipping

steps to save money or speeding up the process could lead to major

regrets down the road. By cutting corners or hiring the wrong kind of

firms to represent you, you could be selling yourself short of what are

your true legal entitlements.

3. Controlling your Anger – It’s Toxic and Unhelpful

Resentment, spite and anger put together will almost ALWAYS result in

a bad outcome. Although we completely empathise with you that

Divorces are incredibly difficult, its essential that you try to keep your

emotions in check as much as possible. We, at First Choice Family

Lawyers are here to assist and support you with this challenging task.

All you need to do is sit down with Londi Gramelis and her team to get

the process started.  

We hope this brief blog about ‘Three Common Mistakes to Avoid When Divorcing

Your Spouse’ will help you and potentially others. As always, we are happy to have

an obligation-free chat over the phone. You are not alone, Londi Gramelis has helped

hundreds of people in circumstances just like yours to obtain successful results.

Londi’s clients can attest to her no-nonsense, practical approach with dedication,

experience and care. As one of the best family lawyers in Sydney, Londi knows family law.

We provide help to anyone, anywhere! In fact, our representation caters not only for

local clients, located in suburbs such as Beverly Hills, Hurstville, Sylvania, Cronulla,

Sutherland, Miranda, Kingsgrove, Bexley, Peakhurst and Canterbury. We also

represent clients from the inner west region, North Sydney, Greater Sydney,

interstate and overseas. We can confidently manage your matter anywhere in

Australia and overseas.



Speak to Londi Gramelis - your trusted and experienced family lawyer today. 



Shop 2C,Edgbaston Rd, Beverly Hills

NSW 2209


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Tel: (02) 9579 5555

Fax: (02) 9579 5556


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